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Dr Rossiter Worthington Raymond
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Birth: Apr. 27, 1840
St. Lawrence County
New York, USA
Death: Dec. 31, 1918
Steuben County
New York, USA

A mem­ber of Hen­ry Ward Beech­er’s Ply­mouth Church, Ray­mond held de­grees from the Brook­field Pol­y­tech­nic In­sti­tute (1857), La­fay­ette Col­lege (PhD 1868), Leigh Un­i­ver­si­ty (LLD 1906), and the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Pitts­burgh (hon­o­rary LLD. 1915).
He served as the Unit­ed States Com­mis­sion­er of Mining Sta­tis­tics, and was sec­re­ta­ry of the Amer­i­can In­sti­tute of Min­ing, Me­tal­lur­gy, and Pe­trol­e­um En­gin­eers (1884-1911). In 1945, the in­sti­tute named its Ros­si­ter W. Ray­mond Me­mor­i­al Award after him, to re­cog­nize the best pa­per pub­lished by a mem­ber un­der 33 years of age. Rossiter lived in Brooklyn, New York, at least part of his life, and wrote at least one West­ern no­vel:

Brave Hearts, 1873.

Probably his most famous quote:

Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

Greenwood Cemetery
Steuben County
New York, USA
Created by: JBT
Record added: Jul 05, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial# 11298019
Dr Rossiter Worthington Raymond
Added by: Anonymous
Dr Rossiter Worthington Raymond
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Added by: Scott Coyle
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I found the rest of Dr Raymonds quote: O God, who holdest all souls in life; and callest them unto thee as seemeth best: we give them back, dear God, to thee who gavest them to us. But as thou didst not lose them in the giving, so we do not lose them by ...(Read more)
 Added: Jul. 15, 2010
A beautiful quote from a very intelligent man.
- BE
 Added: Nov. 13, 2005

- In Loving Memory Of Angels~Love Sue
 Added: Sep. 18, 2005
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